News & Events

Logisport: Innovación y tecnologías 4.0 en la nueva logística Digital y sostenible

Our project partners, Fundación Valencia Port (FVP) and Terminal Industry Committee 4.0 (TIC4.0), organized, together with Logistop (the reference association on logistics technology in Spain) and the FOR-FREIGHT project, the conference “LogisPort: Innovation and 4.0 technologies in the new digital and sustainable logistics.” The event occurred on June 20, 2024, from 10:00 to 17:30 in the Port Authority of Valencia (Valencia, Spain).

FVP and TIC4.0 had a dedicated session to disseminate the progress made so far, especially in the Spanish use case. The forum served to reach a broad audience of relevant potential end-users of FOR-FREIGHT solutions. They also distributed various communication materials, banners, and the conference agenda, as well as promoted the project’s videos.

The round tables were composed of high-level speakers and the event brought together around 100 experts from the transport and logistics sector. The FOR-FREIGHT project was presented at the last round table, focusing on presenting the project objectives, the FOR-FREIGHT platform and the use cases, with an in-depth description of the Spanish use case (the solvers were presented and one of the end-to-end processes was described in more detail). In addition, taking advantage of the large number of experts that the event gathered, we prepared a questionnaire that was answered by the attendees after the FOR-FREIGHT presentation to somehow assess the approach of the platform and the solvers of the Spanish use case.

More information can be found in the following links: