News & Events
FOR-FREIGHT & VITAL-5G at the TRA Conference

Between the 14th and 17th of November 2022, Mr. Sofoklis Dais (Project Coordinator) representing CERTH/HIT for the FOR-FREIGHT project, and Dr. Andreas Gavrielides (D&C Manager) representing eBOS for the VITAL-5G project, attended the TRA (Transport Research Arena) Conference which took place in Lisbon, Portugal.
TRA is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility, and offers a great venue for researchers, policymakers and industry representatives to get together and contribute to the discussion on how research and innovation can reshape the transport and mobility system. In the event of 2022, TRA brought together experts from around the world to discuss the newest innovations and the future of mobility and transport, building also on the Portuguese historical legacy and links to overseas transport professionals. The main aim was to promote a more efficient, safer, carbon-free, inclusive, and sustainable transport in all its modes, and provide the audience with a unique opportunity to hear about mobility trends in different parts of Europe, learn from achievements in the industry, as well as share best practices of policies and deployments.
VITAL-5G stands for Vertical Innovations in Transport And Logistics over 5G experimentation facilities and aims at overcoming, through its intuitive and production-ready NetApps orchestration platform with open repository, various limitations that exist today for industry verticals keen to design and deploy T&L virtualised services in a 5G network. Henceforth, FOR-FREIGHT and VITAL-5G aim for future collaboration, and the consortium members of the two projects are currently in discussions to examine how such a cluster can benefit them at two levels: (a) the technical and, (b) the communication/dissemination.
In addition, at TRA, CERTH/HIT arranged bilateral meetings with representatives of FOR-FREIGHT’s reference project FENIX, and representatives of T&L fora and organizations, such as ALICE, to discuss potential collaboration trajectories at the technical and communication level. Given this opportunity, FOR-FREIGHT material, such as flyers, has been disseminated using the booth of ALICE.